Friday, May 30, 2008

Illegal Immigration! A USA Moral Dilemma!

What do you believe you would do if you owned a large multinational corporation about the problem?

I pose the question, not from a bureaucratic position; but, from a profit making enterprise perspective. I list just a few tidbits to stir the pot for a lively discussion.

1.Keep on doing very little just like we have for the last decade. Now we have somewhere between 12 and 20 million illegal aliens; plus, their family and relatives who are eager to get on our Social Security and Medicare rolls, according to various sources.

2.Lobby to get them all proper identification, work visas and setup a plan that deports the offenders if they don’t follow the “new” plan, whatever it is.

3.Keep on talking about a fence?

Or maybe you have some ideas the politicians have not put forth already. As a country, we already have immigration quotas; but, they are meaningless in the face of millions of illegal aliens every year, that seek a home here. Notwithstanding the fact, that we have over 10,000 miles of border to patrol. Peoples rights, budget-busting, moral thinking, safety, security are all in the mix.


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