Thursday, June 19, 2008

Will America Cutback on Fuel Without Being Forced?

Will America ever cutback on fuel without being forced to?

Your editorial on “fuel consumption” touches a sensitive nerve in each of us. As a senior citizen, I am fed up with the band-aid solutions that Congress offers up for solving oil price situation. This purchasing halt of reserve oil is one of the most ridiculous things I ever heard. Talk about sending a boy to do a man's job!

If ever there was a time for urgent action on the "OIL PRICE CRISIS” it is now; not in 2009 after the newly elected politicians will get started jawboning. Soon 20-30 million Americans won't be able to afford to drive to work when the gas pumps hit $5.00 a gallon! Inflation and gas prices are already changing everything we do.

What will the people earning 8-25 thousand dollars a year do? Lose their jobs when they can't afford gas? Get on unemployment? Give up altogether? Start riots? If ever there was cause for concern it is now. Not later!

Rationing and drastic cuts in speed limits sounds draconian; but, the time has come for real action. We MUST stop using so much OIL, period... We all know people will not discipline themselves. So, what choices are left?

Our Government and Congress have had 35 years to act since the 1973 oil crises; but, now it's even worse. How about some serious dialog about: What every citizen MUST do to help lower demand? We need to turn the “Somebody-Else-Will-Fix-It-Switch” off.

Published in the Macon Telegraph, May 15th, 2008

Charlie Courtois

The Oil & Gas Problem Is Not About Speculation

Blame the Speculators Floyd Norris from the NY Times article 6/19/2008

In Washington, some high prices are deemed better than others. Stocks should go up, and so should home prices. Commodities should go down.
Senator Joseph Lieberman, the Connecticut Democrat turned Independent, has unveiled suggested legislation to deal with the spate of speculation that is blamed for driving oil prices to record highs, and for making food too expensive.
One proposal would require regulators to set strict limits on how many futures contracts could be owned by financial types, as opposed to buyers and sellers of the real commodity, who could keep trading so long as they were hedging.

The Problem is not about Speculation
Woe is you who wander around believing our oil and gas production is what it should be and that there is little the average voter can do about it.

If our US oil and gas giants were allowed to drill in US controlled properties we could impact the supply and demand from a US needs’ perspective. Let’s not forget that the US Congress is the one thwarting the production and exploration of crude on US properties.

There are now close to ½ a billion Chinese being moved into the major cities of China. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to compute the demand for motor driven vehicles.

Let’s worry less about environmental concerns and pay more attention to managing our resources. Money, exploration, trade, etc. We are the largest and most successful economy in the world; so, let’s get on the ball and do something about it.

Charlie Courtois