My Child, here is the secret of all perfection---forget self-interest and follow My will in all things. You want what you consider good for you, but you are often wrong in your calculations. I want what you consider good for you, but you are often wrong in your calculations. I want what is really best for you, and I am never mistaken. If you want to be the kind of person I want you to be, learn My truth and do My will. Then leave the rest to Me.2. Every human fault arises from a mistaken self-love. Men overcome their faults only as far as they really abandon their selfishness and follow Me. Some make a half-halfhearted effort,and some make a ninety percent effort, but only a few make a full effort with no reservations.
3. If you gave all you goods to the poor, without giving your heart to Me, you have done nothing as far as eternal life is concerned. Even great penance means nothing unless you are determined to fight against your faults. There is no substitute for true virtue. The basis for true virtue lies in this---that you accept and prefer My Will in all things.
4. You are not so wise as you think. You do not always know what is best for you. No man is richer, no man is happier than he who loves My Will in all things. Empty your heart of every other desire, and place you daily life in My hands. Work, and pray, and do all that is right and good for you. When things do not go as you desire, do what you can to remedy them. After you have done all that common sense demands, accept the results as My Will.
Here is the key to God's peace and yet I hesitate to use it. Can God be mistaken? Can He be wrong? Why do I not find His peace within me? It is simply because I have not yet succeeded in placing my life in His hands. I am not quite sure that He will do what I would like. Yet I know that He loves me more than I love myself. He wants what is surely good for me, not merely some deceptive good thing. Do I want to look our for myself, even if it means committing a sin here and there? Sin hurts me far more than I realize.
My Jesus, show me at last a life of obedience and loyalty to your Will. Let me forget self and become more unselfish with those around me. Wherever I can, I hope to do things for others. Sin must be hated for what it is...self-deception and stupidity. How can I ever do anything wrong, knowing that it hurts me and offends You? I will try with Your help, to live mm daily life as a true and loyal follower of Yours. What You forbid is forbidden because it is bad for me. How can I ever insist on sinning again? You have proven your love for me in a thousand ways. I hope to prove my love for You by trying to act as You want me to act in my daily life.