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Grieved at their hardness of heart, he said to the man, “Stretch our your hand.”Mark 3:5
The Pharisees in Jesus' time looked for every possibility to catch Jesus in an infraction of the law. There were so many laws to follow. Wikipedia says there are about 613 which were followed. No wonder the Jewish leaders were so obsessed with following the law. With that many laws to be faithful to, it was a virtual impossibility, for any human to come close to obeying all of them.
At every turn in his ministry since Jesus asked John the Baptist to baptize him in the Jordan to the Wedding at Cana, Jesus was making his own rules. The Pharisees were keeping track of all the infractions, so they could report them all to their leaders. With today's verse about the man with a withered hand, the Pharisees were just waiting to see if Jesus would heal this man on the sabbath in the synagogue so they could accuse him.
When Jesus healed the man the Pharisees immediately rushed out to report to Herod and his associates to conspire against him. As Jesus, again, breaks the sabbath law, he continues to teach and heal and he appointed the Twelve. The Pharisees continue the conflict. Jesus' family thinks he is crazy. His adversaries, the Pharisees, accuse him of being possessed by Satan. Jesus separates himself from his family.
Why does Jesus cause so much conflict?
I don't think he perceives it as causing conflict, but maybe he just wants to change the way things are being done. His people are being oppressed?
This is a comment by JERRY SCHMITT:
Often the Lord purifies His people first so as to make them credible as ambassadors. He prefers working with willing souls, although he will take the time to refine longer if there's potential and He knows the Reed won't break.
Why does Jesus cause so much conflict?
" I have come to cast fire upon the earth, and what would I but that it be kindled. You think I have come to bring peace, no I tell you division. I have a baptism to be Baptized with and until it is finished I am distressed."
Jesus is Casting Fire, Himself, the Word, The Truth, The Love upon the earth to be RECONCILED by all. For all to perfect so as to become Holy as He is Holy. He shows us the way. He could have bypassed the Cross but He Loved us enough to take our burden and debt so we too could have eternal life and peace for eternity as well.
Once we accept Him and what He offers, we begin the process of abiding in Truth and Love as we willingly begin to live and work by His grace in behalf of the Kingdoms good. Anything apart from Truth and Love cannot sustain itself because it is self seeking and consumes everything it touches, its Desires become the priorities and anything that doesn't enhance its possessing them is sought to be eliminated by any means. Self rules and all it's Desires. Its burning Desires consumes and destroys. Whereas to LOVE is contrary and opposes selfishness. "Our God is an all consuming FIRE" that refines and purifies, disclosing the perfect Truth that sustains all that exist. The Fire of Love, when abiding in Love, knows a more perfect Joy that last, where as the Fire of Love"Truth" when opposed for self sake, burns from envy, anger, resentment,grudges,etc., resisting refining, resisting the eternal Truth that holds all things in existence and Creates not depletes and consumes.
For those who come to allow the Truth in Love to put order in their lives, the more selfishness is refined, and the greater and greater the joy known, as intended by the FIRE cast upon the earth. God is Love, is Truth, is Fire, is Joy Perfected.
Why does Jesus cause so much conflict?
Because there are so many self fulfilling Desires about the earth and only so much earth to go around. " God is no tempter to evil,God tempts no one; but we are drawn away and enticed by our own Passions and Desires." Jerry
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