Taken from: My Daily Bread, CONFRATERNITY OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD by Anthony J. Paone, S.J.
The Way of Purification - Conversion
My CHILD, the highest goal of your life is union with Me in Heaven. Let your intentions throughout the day be guided by this truth. In all things be sure to stay on the path that leads to Heaven. Do not become too deeply interested in passing desires and brief enjoyments of this earthly life.
I have given you everything that you are and everything that you have. All things come from to you from Me, the Supreme Good. Whatever comes, accept it, use it, enjoy it, and I wish and as much as I wish.
If you think only of satisfying yourself, without considering My approval, your mind becomes confused and your will becomes weak. Mistakes and sins will rob you of peace on earth and of unending happiness in Heaven. In all things therefore, keep your eyes on Me.
Happy are those who desire only what I want, trying steadily to do My will. Such people do not let themselves become completely absorbed by their daily activities. They frequently offer their activities to Me. They see the brevity of human contentment on earth.
Examine your motives in your daily words and actions. Find out how you may please Me more, and avoid everything which may draw you away from Me.THINK
I was created for eternal happiness with God in heaven. Everything else must take second place in my life, because if I lose Heaven, I will be losing everything. The sure guide to Heaven is God's holy Will. If I follow it in my daily life, every moment on earth will be a sure step toward the perfect happiness which my heart craves.
My God and loving Father, grant me the wisdom to think, speak, and act each day as You want me to. May I never be such a fool as to disagree with Your supreme goodness and wisdom. Nothing on earth can bring me any lasting happiness. Therefore, let me never sin for the sake of anything. I want to live for the perfect happiness for which You created me. Amen.
The author, Fr. Anthony Paone, S.J., suggests that the reader read between the lines, and He will give you a message for you alone. This will be the grace of the chapter. God's grace will show us how to live a better life today, and it will give you the strength to do so. If you use these graces well, God will grant you greater ones. Daily you will grow more like Christ and less like your old self. The chapter is simple: (a) listen; (b) think; and (c) answer Him.