The country needs to organize to stop the government from spending anymore money. If you believe we should tell our elected representatives that it is time to:
- Really Balance the Budget
- Reduce Spending
- Stop Trying to Budget Things We can't Afford
Then you need to email me now and say you would like to know what to do? First I would like to organize by state. If the response is great enough I will immediately set-up a permanent web site. This site is temporary. Permanent site under construction. GRANDPARENTS UNITE
Fox New's Glen Beck found a huge niche. Mom's that are not empowered. I propose to do the same. Get teams of grandparents, thousands, in every state in the union to make plans to tell our legislators to STOP, and DESIST spending and proposing these unaffordable programs.
A Quote from Glen Becks "Mom's Show."
"I've been thinking about the show with some of America's great moms we did last week and the response we've been getting has been overwhelming.
I went out to an event last night and something struck me: The amount of females in the audience was more than ever and clearly they were not there because of my molten hotness. I mean, look at me: Chubby, pasty, multiple chins — I could go on. They are there because as moms, it's in their nature to protect their children and they are realizing that this government is putting their children's futures at risk."
IDEAS, HELP, DO SOMETHING, Mom's and Grandparents need to rise up and stop this destruction of our nation.
Charlie Courtois