Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Forgive, but Set Limits & Expectations

This is a follow-up to yesterday's story about a wayward nineteen year old. He is sorry because he got caught stealing thousands of dollars of jewelry and pawning it.

Aren't we all. 

But, after counseling with other professionals, the consensus opinion was to set limits which we had already done for the bad behavior.

The key decision!  My wife and I decided not to prosecute. Instead we made him face his horrible actions with the written evidence in front of the police chief. He allowed this audience, and told my grandson so, because the next time he sees his name come across his desk, the meeting will be in the interrogation room, and off to prison or jail for a one year minimum.

For a street savvy kid like he is, it didn't seem to impact him sufficiently. We have had a face-to-face meeting with him, laid down the new rules, taken his house key away from him and forbidden him to be in the house unless one of us is there with him. He can come in, eat, take a shower, but the office, and the rest of the house is off limits, until we decide to change the rule. Until he is gainfully employed, and has earned his keep with some employer, we will remain ever vigilant as long as he is on our premises. Otherwise, it is hit the street, you are now on your own. Blood relative, or not!

Time will tell! We all know that the leopard doesn't change his spots; they just grow in size!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Handling a Lie & a Theft in Your Home

If you are an employer, it seems the treatment of these two offenses can be found in the company policy manual, but parents and grandparents, on the other-hand, have a different role in these matters. I think the care-taker grandparent in this case, has an even different  role than the parent.

Yesterday was not a good day! We were confronted with the theft of $1,800 of my wife's jewelery which is hidden in a special drawer in a hunt stand. The theft could only be carried out by one person, our grandson, and when confronted he immediately admitted to the theft and the pawning of the items in the local pawn shop. It seems he went to the pawn shop on three separate occasions, and the pawn shop owner paid him: $60, $60, and $70 out of his pocket for the $1,800 dollars worth of jewelery. 

My wife just came back from the pawn shop and discovered that he had been there in January and pawned several other pieces of jewelery, plus something for a friend he runs around with. More lies, and now this seems to be much more serious than we thought.

I am sure many have faced this type of issue, but since we live in a small town, we are faced with not wanting to make these incidents public knowledge. 

Before today, we forgave another costly incident in September 2010, and now this mindless theft for no real purpose, leaves us in a real dilemma. It is going to be very hard for me to trust him again, and I am sure that my wife, who is usually more compassionate that I, will have the same issues to deal with in her mind. There don't seem to be any easy answers to this situation as I type these words.

The real issue is when and if  you should prosecute your relatives for grand-theft, or do you give them another chance?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Why does the US Gov Fund Mosques with US Taxpayer Dollars, You Might Ask?

This title is outrageous enough! With our nation facing the worst debt crises in our history we read about more fraud, theft, and deception in the budgeting of our hard-earned tax dollars. Listen and view this U-Tube report on the waste of the US taxpayer dollars.

This U-Tube concerns every single one of us!

Charlie Courtois

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Yesterday, was a non-computer day….The monitor died, the box didn’t seem to work, and one of my wife’s closest friend’s husband committed suicide. We were discombobulated all day to say the least. Without a working monitor I learned something new today! It will help many weak and agnostic people think about facts seldom ever considered.


“We saw His star in the east and we have come to worship Him.”
—Matthew 2:2

Here is a six minute trailer about this production. There are some things that come along that can capture your attention, this is one of them. For believers, and for non-believers who claim there is no proof of Jesus Christ, and that He is a myth, you will see tangible proof of what the people of Israel saw and knew over 2000 years ago. The DVD is one hour, and when you get through watching it, you will do so a second time and maybe a third time. I did! If you are like me, I shunned Astronomy, still do to this day. This DVD really opened my eyes.

Words are not enough! Just watch the trailer, and you’ll want to get it and view it. I have no vested interest in the production or distribution of this material. I just think it is a fascinating discovery of scientific scholarship. Science truly complements religion, and does not contradict it.

Watch the DVD, you'll be amazed.

“We saw His star in the east and we have come to worship Him.”
—Matthew 2:2

Here is a six minute trailer about this production. There are some things that come along that can capture your attention, this is one of them. For believers, non-believers who claim there is no proof of Jesus Christ, and that He is a myth. The DVD we just got is one hour, and we you get through watching it, you do a second time and maybe a third. I did.

 This information will turn many heads!